Some of the content of this site is considered advertising material under the applicable rules of certain states. Mr. Lisa is a registered patent attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Illinois, the State of Arizona, and before the United States Patent Office. His practice outside the State of Illinois and the State of Arizona is limited to the Federal Courts and the United States Patent Office.
The Law Offices of Lisa & Lesko, LLC, is one of the few firms in the country that actively represents clients in patent enforcement programs on a contingent fee basis. The particular contingency fee varies on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the case, the contingency fee may be taken before or after expenses have been paid. Whether or not the client is responsible to pay certain expenses will be discussed at the start of any new case and communicated clearly to new clients.
Comments may be addressed to:
Steven G. Lisa, Esq.
Law Offices of Lisa & Lesko, LLC
55 East Monroe Street, Suite 3800
Chicago, Illinois 60603
Telephone: (312) 752-4357
Facsimile: (312) 896-5633